Welcome to the Oaken Vault - A Treasury of Curated Tabletop Entertainment

The Keepers of the Vault

  • Benjamin Dalthur Holt

    • The First Keeper (Founder)
    • The Master of Coin
    • The Board Game Curator
    • The Tech Goblin

    Contact: BD@OakenVault.com

    My Story

    My love for games started at age 6 with chess, and it's only grown stronger since. I spent countless hours immersed in video games, even competing professionally in eSports for a time. After starting a family, board games filled the gaming void. My wife and I fell headfirst into this wonderful hobby!

    I'm drawn to games with resource management, reflecting my interest in economics. High-quality components elevate the experience for me—the tactile feel of wood and metal adds a special touch.

    Board game aesthetics also captivate me. We've designed custom shelves at home to showcase our collection as art pieces. It's hard not to smile when admiring a game like Everdell.

    Current Favorites:

    • Robinson Crusoe
    • Viticulture
    • Root

    My Role at Oaken Vault

    As The First Keeper, I'm the visionary behind Oaken Vault, ensuring our quest stays true to its course. As The Master of Coin, I oversee the financial realm, keeping our coffers brimming and our adventurers well-equipped. As The Board Game Curator, I meticulously select each treasure that graces our shelves, ensuring only the finest games find their way into the Vault. And as The Tech Goblin, I weave the digital spells that power our online realm, ensuring a smooth and enchanting experience for every visitor. Should you encounter any glitches or gremlins in the system, don't hesitate to send a raven my way.

  • Signe Dalthur Holt

    • The Second Keeper (Co-Founder)
    • The Caravan Quartermaster (Shipping & Logistics)
    • The Puzzle Curator
    • The Keeper of Order

    Contact: SD@OakenVault.com

    My Story

    Games have always been a part of my life, from family gatherings to my love for puzzles. Meeting Benjamin introduced me to the world of modern board games, and together we've built our collection and passion.

    I enjoy engine-building games like Wingspan for their satisfying progression and replayability. I prefer cooperative or peaceful games over competitive ones – especially since my husband takes those a bit too seriously! 😉

    Current Favorites:

    • Everdell
    • Snapshot

    My Role at Oaken Vault

    As The Second Keeper and Co-Founder, I share the helm of Oaken Vault with Benjamin, ensuring our shared vision becomes reality. As The Caravan Quartermaster, I thoroughly prepare each order for its journey, carefully packaging your chosen treasures to ensure they arrive safe and sound. As The Puzzle Curator, I handpick each jigsaw and logic puzzle, seeking out those that will challenge and delight minds of all ages. And as The Keeper of Order, I make sure the gears of our operation turn smoothly, ensuring a seamless experience for every adventurer who enters our realm.

  • Bianca Dalthur Holt

    • The Apprentice
    • The Junior Game Curater
    • The Ward Weaver (Packing Peanut Expert)
    • The Playtime Enforcer (In charge of Work-Life balance)

    Contact: Send a Unicorn

    Bianca's Story

    Bianca is a fun girl, so it is only fitting that her story is listed as fun facts:

    • Can play Chess (badly, but still impressive for her age).
    • Refers to brown and green as "Oaken Vault Colors."
    • Has infinite confidence and is convinced that she is the fairest of them all.
    • Is unaware that unicorns are not real and can be very convincing in her claim to have seen one.
    • Keeps track of scores during games and loses interest if she believes victory is out of reach.
    • Is a whizz at jigsaw puzzles.

    She is the best apprentice ever! ❤️

    Current Favorites:

    • Anything with dice
    • Heltene fra Avadore (It's like D&D, but just for kids!)
    • My Lil' Everdell

    Her Role at Oaken Vault

    As The Apprentice, Bianca is learning all the secrets of the Vault from the Elders. As The Junior Game Curator, she's the head of playtime and giggles, making sure all the new kids' games are super fun and easy to learn. When a package calls for a touch of playful protection, Bianca, our Ward Weaver, steps in to expertly sprinkle in the packing peanuts. And most importantly, as The Playtime Enforcer, she reminds everyone to take breaks and have some fun, ensuring a healthy work-life balance for the whole team! After all, what's a vault without a little laughter and games?

  • Nora Dalthur Holt

    • The Sentinel
    • The Embodiment of Chaotic Neutral
    • The Tiny Bandit
    • The Self-Appointed Tour Guide

    Contact: Whisper Your Message to the Shadows

    Nora's Story

    Nora is the youngest and most energetic member of the Oaken Vault team. At first, you might think she has put all her stats into Charisma, but you quickly realize that she cheated during character creation, as she seems to have far too many stat points. The Charisma is only used to trick you into thinking she is harmless, so she can distract you long enough to use her Dexterity to pickpocket you or attempt bottom-shelf heists from the Vault. These heists would be successful if it weren't for her habit of giggling while doing them. She can be seen on "Our Quest" page arranging the loot from such a heist (and how smug she looks doing it!).

    If she fooled you into following her for a tour you should check your belongings as you have likely been robbed!

    Favorite Things to Steal:

    • Wild: Serengeti - Meeple Set
    • Brightly Colored Smart Games
    • The Entire Parks Collection

    Her Role at Oaken Vault

    Officially, Nora is our Sentinel, constantly testing the limits of our security with her daring escapades. Unofficially, she's The Embodiment of Chaotic Neutral, a Tiny Bandit who's always up to something mischievous. She's also our Self-Appointed Tour Guide, eager to show newcomers around the Oaken Vault (just keep an eye on your valuables!). And let's not forget her talent for epic puzzle-piece relocations. In short, Nora keeps us on our toes and reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously!

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